Batman: Knightwatch will launch a Bat-family social network in September

In September, the Bat-family will integrate a familiar tool into their already robust system for catching criminals: social media with the launch of Batman: Knightwatch, a five-issue limited series written by J. Torres and illustrated by Erich Owen and Marcelo di Chiara. 

Knightwatch will seemingly take place over a period of hours, based on the story description. Following a massive breakout at Arkham Asylum, the Bat-family has to bring back every single escapee to keep Gotham safe. 

Batman: Knightwatch #1 (Image credit: DC)

Clayface is the first on their list, and Batgirl intends to track him down with info from users on an informal social network. Using this tool, she can follow Clayface's movements through the city so Batman and the team can find him and return him to the Asylum before he hurts anyone. If this is successful, she can do the same for the other escapees, as well.

But Alfred has another idea. Seeing Batgirl's savvy social media use, Penny-One decides to create a more organized network to do this kind of tracking, especially since Clayface is seemingly just the first escapee on a long list. He names this new network Knightwatch and intends for it to be used by informants and spies, not just for this job, but for any that might require it.

Batman: Knightwatch #1 will feature cover art by di Chiara. It hits shelves September 6.

Although Clayface didn't make Newsarama's list of best Batman villains, we suspect we'll see several familiar faces from his rogues' gallery in the Batman: Knightwatch limited series.

Source: Sun Co

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