Google Faces USD 25.4 Billion Lawsuit for Alleged Unfair Advertising Practices

The British and Dutch courts are pushing to file lawsuits that will make Google pay a whopping USD 25.4 Billion if proven guilty.

The U.K. lawsuit aims to push for the compensation of site owners with banner ads on their websites including traditional publishers while the Dutch suit is open to all publishers affected by Google’s alleged unfair practices.

According to the report from Reuters, the lawsuit, filed by the law firm Geradin and Partners on behalf of the publishers affected, states that the search engine company has been practicing unfair advertising.

It is time that Google owns up to its responsibilities and pays back the damages it has caused to this important industry. This is why today we are announcing these actions across two jurisdictions to obtain compensation for EU and UK publishers.” 

Damien Geradin, Geradin, and Partners, Founding Partner

However, a Google spokesperson responded and told Reuters that the lawsuits filed are “Speculative and Opportunistic” and said that it will “fight it vigorously”.

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Source: Gadget Pilipinas

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