Google Files Patent for Disappearing Under-Display Camera

Google has just filed a 23-page patent for a disappearing under-display camera technology.

The camera sits under the display opposite a small second screen with a prism or mirror between the two. The prism swings to reveal the camera when needed. When not in use, it lets the small screen cover the camera for a seamless display.


The lens occupies a 2-3mm window in the display with another lens next to the camera, possibly an ambient/IR/proximity sensor. The IR sensor would allow biometric face scanning.


The new technology is expected to be featured on the next year’s Pixel 7 instead of the upcoming Pixel 6. Although, the tech could also be set for the foldable phone that Google is reported to be working on.

Some companies like Samsung, Xiaomi, OPPO, and vivo, to name a few are expected to unveil their versions of under-display cameras. This makes an under-display camera for the Google foldable not so far-fetched. However, nothing is official yet though.


Source: Gadget Pilipinas

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