Trend Micro’s DECODE 2021 Brings Over 1,200 Cybersecurity Professionals in an Online Event


Trend Micro recently hosted DECODE 2021, the Philippines’ largest cybersecurity conference which was attended by over 1,200 Filipinos on its first day.

The 3-day conference opened with four keynote sessions delivered by Trend Micro’s Director of Global Operations, Managed XDR Jay Yaneza, FBI Cyber Division Intelligence Analyst Lauren Seawright, Cybercrime Directorate of INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI) INTERPOL’s Head of Cybercrime Intelligence Unit Shane Cross, and Meralco’s VP and Group Chief Information Security Office (CISO) Mel T. Migriño.

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Following this year’s theme DEC1DE. DEC0DE., the speakers discussed topics that are timely and relevant in their respective roles in the cybersecurity industry.

Now, Else Be Too Late: Relevant Just-in-Time Decisions

Trend Micro’s Director of Global Operations, Managed XDR Jay Yaneza introduced the primary theme of the conference, making critical, yet timely decision in order to prevent or resolve threats. Beyond the technicalities behind resolving a threat is a team’s ability to make quick, yet informed decisions in the most extreme situations.

Yaneza also shared examples of instances when timing and execution were critical, and also discussed the value of prevention and foresight. He closed his session with a reminder to “keep calm and carry on” and goes on to emphasize how “IT staff should make sure they are measuring the right things because these decision points will come to bare after the incident.

Ransomware: 2021 Threat Landscape

FBI Intelligence Legal Attaché Lauren Seawright talked about the current threat landscape and how it has evolved both in the Philippines and globally in the past few years. Drawing from her experience as the Intelligence Analyst assigned to the cyber squad in FBI’s Anchorage and Boston Divisions, the Joint Terrorism Task Force in Portland, Maine, and the economic crimes squad, she gave valuable insights on current and foreseeable trends in how Philippine companies are combatting attacks.

Cybercrime Through the Lens of Law Enforcement and Private Partners

Shane Cross gave viewers a brief background on the work of INTERPOL and how the cybercrime division works in partnership with international governments. Cross also discussed how cybercrimes during the time of COVID-19 have evolved and other evolving threats in the current landscape.

Scams have been tailored around themes of COVID-19 and healthcare, and cybercrimes executed around cryptocurrency. Cross emphasized the importance of cooperating with local enforcement, to effectively and efficiently shut down such threats.

The Evolution of a CISO Role

VP and Group Chief Information Security Officer of Meralco Mel Migriño discussed the role of a CISO, or Chief Information Security Officer, and how the role has evolved from the traditional responsibilities of the CISO, as well as how the CISO is involved and engaged across the various departments of an organization. She also talked about the “Next Generation CISO” and the qualities they must possess, such as having a moral compass, and being ready to go beyond what is asked.

Get IT Girl, Careers in Cybersecurity, and Cybersecurity Fundamentals

Trend Micro decided to extend this year’s conference and include programs catering specifically to women in the tech industry as well as students.

Get IT Girl, Trend Micro’s yearly discussion on empowering Filipino women in tech, covers the state of the cybersecurity skills gap and how it has improved through diversity and inclusion, led by Joahnna Hipolito, Trend Micro Manager for Technology Marketing. This was followed by an inspirational talk and Q&A session with our Olympic Silver Medalist Nesthy Petecio on how she stands out in a male-dominated sport.

Trender trainers have sessions about Careers in Cybersecurity, and Cybersecurity Fundamentals, made available for both student audiences and career shifters.


Running on its 5th year, DECODE is a free conference hosted by Trend Micro Philippines annually. Complete with a virtual lounge and auditorium for the array of panel discussions and keynote sessions lined up, this year’s conference was made to inspire and engage many in the local cybersecurity industry. When it comes to looking out for trends and potential threats, Shane Cross shared that “It’s not a matter of if, but a matter of when,” and DECODE 2021 serves as a necessary reminder of this for all in the industry.

Those who want to learn more about cybersecurity and the latest trends can still access the DECODE sessions by registering for an account at The videos will be available on-demand until July 22, 2022.

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Source: Gadget Pilipinas

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